Yoga Class at Nereus Retreats in Costa Rica

Our philosophy

“Yoga does not transform the way we see things; it transforms the person who sees”
– BKS Iyengar

Nereus School of Yoga is a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School (RYS). Our mission is to cultivate a secure and nurturing haven, fostering the exchange of yoga and wellbeing wisdom. Our inclusive community empowers individuals towards a more vibrant, creative and healthy life. We welcome you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, explore your yoga practice and experience life-changing transformation at Nereus.

teacher training



Nereus School of Yoga offers an enriching program of professional teaching qualifications. Join us to deepen your journey and inspire others in a transformative path of wellness.

Daily Yoga at Nereus Retreats in Costa Rica

RYT200 yoga teacher training

twenty days, nineteen nights (shorter options available)

This training will cover the styles of hatha and vinyasa within the raja yoga system, with the goal of giving new teachers the tools and confidence to deliver a thoughtful and safe class rooted in authenticity. A large focus on cueing, sequencing and inclusivity will be the base, giving students the knowledge of how to modify a practice for any body and contraindication. We believe that yoga should be accessible to everyone and this encompasses the use of inclusive language, both in English and Sanskrit. Students will cover classical sequencing styles and concepts and be expected to teach classes to ensure a good foundation and confidence is established. Conversations and bhakti practices will round out days with all things mantra and mythology. We aim to offer a robust, holistic yoga teacher training program with strong ties to Ayurveda, a thorough understanding of Patanjali’s Eight Limbs, knowledge of his Yoga Sutras and a general understanding of yoga’s sister science, Ayurveda.  

We have two program formats available for our RYT200 training:

  • A residential 20-day immersion at our retreat location in Puerto Jiménez, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. Students will also have access to our online educational platform for additional digital content and supplementary materials
  • A hybrid format that utilizes synchronous, live teaching via Zoom, asynchronous content through our online platform and a culminating seven-day, in-person immersion at our retreat location in Puerto Jiménez, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica 

Yin and Yoga Nidra Continuing Education (50 hours)

seven days, eight nights

Our course offers a deep dive into the style of yin yoga and the practice of yoga nidra, with the goal of giving new teachers the tools and confidence to teach these techniques in their classes. Yin yoga is characterized by longer holds in a variety of seated or reclined positions that target the deep connective tissues of the body. Rather than focusing on strengthening the muscles, the practice focuses on accessing deeper physical layers such as the fascia, ligaments, joints and bones. By targeting these areas primarily in the lower body, such as the hips, inner thighs, pelvis, and lower spine, yin induces a deep sense of relaxation while stimulating the flow of life energy, or prana, within the organs. This approach benefits both physical and emotional health, creating overall balance. 

This course also incorporates the practice of yoga nidra, the meditative yoga technique that aims to create a balance between our sleeping and waking hours. The ultimate objective is to nudge your consciousness into a sleep-like state, thereby enabling your brain to achieve complete relaxation. Yoga nidra’s benefits include reduced stress and anxiety and improved sleep quality. 

Teaching will be overseen by our lead instructor. Our Yin and Yoga Nidra Teacher Training program format is a residential six nights/seven days’ immersion at our retreat in Puerto Jiménez, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. Students will also have access to our online educational platform for additional digital content and supplementary materials.

This course is suitable for all yoga practitioners. Students with Yoga Alliance RYT 200 status are eligible to receive 50 continuing education hours (CE).

Yoga and Ayurveda Continuing Education (50 hours)

seven days, eight nights

Ayurveda, known as the sister science of yoga, is the thousands-of-years-old medical system of India. Yoga and Ayurveda are a complete mind, body, spirit system of health and wellness. This course will provide an introduction to the ancient science of Ayurveda and how to integrate the principles into a yoga class. 

In this training students will learn:

  • key energetic concepts including the doshas, chakras and koshas 
  • the importance of seasons, time of day and climate when planning classes 
  • how to individualize classes for specific student needs
  • the application of the concepts of asana, meditation and pranayama practices

Teaching will be overseen by our lead instructor and Jen Millar, Ayurvedic Practitioner, RYT500. Our Asana and Ayurveda Teacher Training program format is a residential 12 nights/eleven days’ immersion at our retreat location in Puerto Jiménez, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. Students will also have access to our online educational platform for additional digital content and supplementary materials.

This course is suitable for all yoga practitioners. Students with Yoga Alliance RYT 200 status are eligible to receive 50 continuing education hours (CE).